Monday, March 30, 2009

Passionate Enthusiasm

I read the Lexington Herald-Leader online and I really enjoy reading the comments the other readers make about stories. Reading the comments gives a window into the heart of central Kentuckians. Whether that is a clear window or not is debatable but what is not debatable is the passionate enthusiasm of the responders.

That has been especially true of the comments regarding every story published about the departure of UK men's basketball coach, Billy Clyde Gillispie and the hiring of his successor. My goodness what passionate enthusiasm.

When I came to Kentucky for the very first time in October, 1984 to interview with First Christian Church in Richmond I was told there were three words I needed to learn to live in Kentucky and when I learned them I would be OK. "Jesus is Lord" I wondered? Nope, "Go Big Blue."

Now, I love UK basketball. I love the passionate enthusiasm of its fans, the students at the University and the attention the program rightly gets from the national media. I wouldn't dare argue with scheduling church things around UK games. I learned that in Texas when we had to rearrange programming for Dallas Cowboy games.

I just wonder why so much passionate enthusiasm is heaped upon UK men's basketball and withheld from other areas where passionate enthusiasm might turn things around. Can we offer some passionate enthusiasm to the Easter Sunrise Service, to the 10:45 service? Could we bring some passionate enthusiasm to bear on our hymn singing? What about committee work or Board meetings? What difference could passionate enthusiasm make to the Disciples for Habitat or the Good Friday Food Pantry?

Can I get an "amen?"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is Church Transformation?

This is from George Bullard, Church Consultant and a member of The Columbia Partnership.

Congregational Transformation is...
+ About allowing God's call to pull the congregation forward into the future.
+ A process of continual transformation that acknowledges the dynamic nature of congregational life
+ An ongoing spiritual and strategic journey
+ About reaching the full kingdom potential of a congregation in response to God's call
+ About re-imaging a congregation in the image of God
+ About soaring with the God-inspired strengths present within the gifts, skills and preference of the congregational participants
+ About building an enduring visionary leadership community as carriers of the vision of the congregation
+ About the transition of people in relationship to God and one another before changing programs, ministries and activities
+ An affirmation of past, present and future generations of people
+ A deep long-term solution

Sunday, March 15, 2009


At the Churchwide Planning Retreat last Saturday I was urged to begin a weblog. Here it is.

I don't know what I will be writing about, but, a wise person suggested I keep this updated every other week to keep it fresh. That sounds like sound advice to me.

There are a lot of things going on at Providence Christian Church. "Transformation" is high on our list. Transformation takes work and energy and passion and focus and people who are willing to risk failure in order to serve God with heart. We must passionately want to bring real change to the lives of the people who enter our church. If the Gospel only promises eternal life but does little to change current life it rings hollow. Transformed people embody the Gospel.

Let this Blog be a place where we stay in touch. I ask you to make comments; suggest topics; give me prayer lists; suggest prospective members; do what you can for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Peace and Love,