My cousin, Melinda, came to visit from Missouri. She’s an awesome person and I adore her. I get to see her about once every 10 years or so.
Uncle David came. Richard was here. Jeff and Acie came. Mom and Dad’s friend Bill came. They all came to see Melissa, who spent most of the day in her bedroom. Still sick. But she was able to greet people at the least.
I don’t get to see my Oklahoma family much. Melissa hasn’t been home in ten years. Uncle David doesn’t come around much. Family was always big for us growing up. There’s such a strain on everyone now.
Melanie, David, Andrew and Alex made it Greensboro NC by 1:30am last night via American Airlines. They rented a car and drove on to Raleigh arriving st 3:30am. Pass flying is difficult. I didn’t get to see them for long enough.
I miss being around my family. Mom and Dad could use my help. Richard carries the load with our parents and he does it well. I feel like I should help more. Say some prayers for all of us; Dallas and Johns family folk. Life has set us on pathways that diverge and rarely converge. We were once so close.
Peace and Love,
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