Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mission Trip

I was telling someone last evening about the upcoming Youth Summer Mission Trip. "We're going to Nashville to work with a homeless shelter," I said. The quick reply was, "we have those here." Implied in the comment is that old saw about "charity begins at home." That old saw is not and has never been an excuse for being charitable only at home.

A trip for mission serves many purposes besides the most obvious one -- you are helping a population with need. With the youth group there is group building time. Community is waning these days. We need to learn how to be together and how to get along with one another, and how to be in tight quarters together. There is a reason the military does basic training with everyone in barracks together all the time. It teaches teamwork and a sense of reponsibility to one another.

Another purpose served on mission trips is that you get to see a context other than your own. Central Kentucky can, at times be a little parochial. We see the same things, hear the same news, listen to the same politicians and preachers. Expanding the view of the world a little is a good thing. Yes, there are homeless people in Lexington, and yes, there is a homeless shelter here that needs support but, helping in another community can widen the field of vision just a little.

There is also a benefit to the group in playing together, which we will also do on the trip. Fun will be a significant component to the trip because we learn and work better when we are happy.

"Yes, we do have homeless shelters here," I said to the polite woman. "We have been there too. Our youth group has worked there and at other agencies that interact with the homeless population." She turned away to another conversation with another person, untouched by my response. I hope the youth and the people with whom we interact in Nashville next week are not unmoved by the experience.

Peace and Love,

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