Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Long Way to Go and a Short Time to Get There

We picked up the RV a little early today thanks to some outstanding and wonderful employees at NotNu/Cruise America in Tulsa. We hit the road around 12:30 Central time with me behind the wheel.

The rented RV planted itself at 70 MPH and didn't look back. Stroud, Oklahoma City, Weatherford, Shamrock, Amarillo, Tucumcarie and now we rest at the KOA in Albuquerque. Apparently they have Wi-Fi because here I am at midnight thirty writing in the blog.

The landscape along the way was inspiring. The hills and farms of Oklahoma, dotted with gas wells and ponds. The flat prairie of the Texas panhandle with mesquite growing low and washes and draws where Indians used to hide from the US Army. The mesas, ravines and oddly shaped mountains of eastern New Mexico without a tree in sight. Inspiring. It is amazing the change in topography you can experience in one day's drive. Amazing.

The sunset over the New Mexico mountains was special and the full moon guiding us tonight was our constant friend.

The KOA is very nice and the RV seems to be functioning quite well, even if it is only accomplishing about 7 MPG. That may have more to do with the leadfoot behind the wheel than anything else.

We will all sleep well tonight. In fact I am yawning now and ready to sign off.

Goodnight from Albuquerque.

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