Monday, November 1, 2010


Dallas is 13. A certified teenager. Wow, that happened fast didn't it?

Living with my child is difficult, rewarding, and perplexing. He doesn't make things easy because he doesn't understand that to be his job. As he sees it his job is to live a carefree existence where he gets what he needs and what he wants and the rest of us hold the position of his servant.

I am hoping he will learn otherwise. I am hoping he will learn that Jesus was a servant to all and a master to none. I am hoping he will learn that while he is indeed special, so is everyone else on the planet. I am hoping he will learn that truth is more important than popularity or riches. I am hoping he will always give his best, speak his best, offer his best -- because you know, when he does, he's pretty wonderful.

13 is the number of men there were in that crowd that wandered through the Israeli countryside; Jesus and the twelve. 13 is the age at which Jewish boys and girls are offered the rite of passage into adulthood. 13 is also the age which Native American boys became warriors. It's a big year.

As Dallas moves into his teen years and grows in stature, in knowledge and I hope in faith as well I ask for your prayers, your support, your wisdom and your help. Affirm him when he does well. Steer him when is wandering off the path. Answer his questions if he asks. Accept his hugs and offer him one now and then. Respect him. Love him.

Thank you.

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