Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lent 2018 - Gratitude Diary, Day 13

It’s late. I’ve been working on my DMin paper for much of the day and into the night. So let me just say that I am grateful for electronic data storage. My oh my am I grateful for hard drives and flash drives, for cloud storage and the ability to copy, paste, move around and save. It wasn’t always this way.

When I wrote my first paper in college I had an IBM electric typewriter. Thing weighed about 60 pounds. You couldn’t save anything you were working on. If you messed up you started to type the page over. This weekend I moved thirty pages in a block with Control X and Control C. That would have been impossible just a few years ago. This final paper that I am readying for publication would have taken months longer with the previous technology. Months.

I should have my paper finished and formatted  by my deadline of March 1. Thanks be to God for electronic and cloud data storage. Now I just need to remember to make backup copies.

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