Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lent 2018 -- Gratitude Diary, Day 2

Ash Wednesday is a day of penitence and of the recognition of our mortality.Yesterday it was a day of massacre, destruction and as the headline for this picture read, it was "Catastrophic." Seventeen people. Gone. From dust they were born......

Last night I made the sign of the cross in ashes on the forehead of a four year old girl. I said, "From dust you were born and to dust you shall return," as I imposed the ashes. It was difficult to hear those words on my lips. Not too soon, little one. You are supposed to live a long and happy life. You are but dust, yes, but live first.

This is supposed to be a Gratitude Diary. Writing something for which I am grateful every day is a part of my Lenten Discipline. There aren't many words today.

I am grateful to have been a part of an Ash Wednesday Service last night shared with First Presbyterian Church. I am grateful that we stopped and turned our hearts and our spirits and our prayers toward Parkland, Florida. I am grateful for the friends today who have affirmed that we cannot allow school shootings to become the new normal. I am grateful for people who have had enough. I am grateful for a church community where love binds us when opinion divides us.

I am grateful for the ashes of repentance. Kyrie Eleison. Christe Eleison.

Peace and Love,

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