Monday, July 30, 2018

Sabbatical -- Day 34: Entering the Void

Bulletin Cover from FCC Naples - The Current depicting the Zen Void

We got up and headed to worship at First Christian Church, Naples -- the Current. Here is a link to their website FCC Naples -- The Current. Worship was not what we were used to. It was unique in many ways.

The website for FCC Naples tells how the pastor enjoys Quantum Physics, and that worship and life at FCC Naples is a blend of ecumenical traditions including Zen Buddhism. All of that was evident in worship -- and from my point of view in a delightful and refreshing way. We were well greeted at the door. Seating was around round tables. Coffee and food was evident all through worship as was a clear friendship and respect among those who were gathered. Pastor Michael led the band at the keyboard. He was enthusiastic, affable, and full of life. 

At our table we were seated with Grace and Dorothy. We came to discover during conversation that Grace is married to Brian McLaren. Wow. Wow. What a treat that turned out to be. Don't know Brian McLaren? Here's the Wikipedia link: Brian McLaren

Above is the bulletin for the service. Note especially the Tuning into God Frequency. This was a period of silence where attendees were invited into silent centering prayer to bring themselves into the moment. A dash of Zen here.

Notice also that the sermon is replaced by Contemplation and Discussion. Yep. Pastor Michael gave a 7 minute homily on the passage at hand, heavily dosed with quantum physics, psychology and a 21st century post-modern sensibility. Then, he took a handheld microphone, walked to the tables and asked people to openly discuss what it means to quiet one's mind, empty one's self, and "enter the void," as did Jesus. The discussion was free and lively and all participated. It takes a tremendous courage to trust your congregation to engage in a conversation like this. 

Let me say a bit more about that.

Conversations that matter necessarily require a space where people feel safe to speak; a space where there is no judgment, no reprisal, no fear of being labeled or shunned. There are rules for conversations that take place in those spaces. Conversations that matter are not easy. The environment has to be right, and mutual respect has to be the air that is breathed. That was clearly the case in the worship space because people spoke freely.

One might have surmised such a space from looking at the church's website. Their inclusion of Buddhism and other faith traditions would be one clue. Also, they are an Open and Affirming Congregation, meaning they welcome LGBQT people into the full life of the church. It was a safe space and the variety of people present and their manner confirmed that.

It was an enlightening experience and one that bore fruit. The church has a ministry called Food Angels. The woman who administers it and I had a conversation after worship about Plant A Row for the Hungry, and we exchanged resources and ideas. Her name was Dara Albert and there was a great write-up about her in a Naples magazine.

The afternoon was spent in quiet repose at the condo. We went to Napoli by the Bay for a pizza dinner and to the beach at sunset. We rescued a starfish.

And here's two photos to finish the day.

I took this picture with the phone touching the sand.

 The sea was absolutely flat and calm. All week it has been boiling with the swells ripping into the shore. Tonight it was like glass. Devoid of any real energy. Lazily lapping the sand. What an interesting change.

Peace and Love,

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